Feel at home

Arrive Discover  Marvel & Linger

Take a deep breath

Beauty in all things 

Every object tells a story.

This is how we make you  happy


... we ask:

What do you want to achieve, what feelings, what memories? So to understand this, we sit down with you. Until we understand. And then develop an event with which we achieve your goals. And create an unforgettable experience together.


… we never leave you alone.

Almost invisibly, we make sure that everything fits. Down to the smallest detail. We never just organise events. We create the space for touching encounters and moving moments.


… the memory remains.

We are satisfied when your guests leave us with a well-intentioned smile.


... fragen wir:

Was wollen Sie erreichen, welche Gefühle, welche Erinnerungen?


… lassen wir Sie nie allein.

Nahezu unsichtbar tragen wir Sorge, dass alles passt.


… bleibt die Erinnerung.

Wir sind dann zufrieden, wenn Sie uns mit einem Lächeln verlassen.

Time stands still here

Our drive and aspiration
are to create the setting for an
unforgettable moment.

Your event In the middle of Berlin

Which experience will now become yours
at our home?